It rained all night long

雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水

院子落叶 跟我的思念厚厚一叠

《七里香》 ~ 周杰伦

And my love overflowed like rain.

The leaves fell in the courtyard.

My thoughts, stacked, deeply.

Like a never ending summer rain, falling, as I write this.

Little by little, how could it hurt me?

Until the burden became so great, and it all collapsed.

Nine years, in a city reknowned for its wind. A third of my life, a place I now call home. Its hills, its people, memories I won't forget.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm leaving. How come I didn't try harder to stay. Or when, if at all, I might decide to return.

It's not like I haven't traveled the world before. On foot, from space, I have seen and mapped so many places. Yet, only less than a handful have a place in my heart.

Truly, it is not easy to say farewell. When a part of you is still attached. Inevitable as it is, maybe best to let go on good terms.

Yes, I guess it is about time. In less than 2 weeks to be precise. My physical being will be in the air, off to another continent.

Suddenly it seems, every mundane habit feels meaningful. All the restaurants I haven't visited for a while, deserve one more dine in. Somehow still, I've decided on a new favourite café and bubble tea shop!

Perhaps, this is what they mean. By how the less you can have it, the fonder your heart desires it. Who I yearn for most though, will be nowhere nearer, farther even.

Patience. Always, it feels like my entire life is about testing my patience.

The time will come, when the rain stops. And listen, in the quiet of the night, to the beat of your heart.